Russia blocks Parvel Durov-owned Telegram in Dagestan and Chechnya; here’s why

Pavel Durov-owned Telegram has been blocked in Russia’s Dagestan and Chechnya regions over concerns that the messaging app could be used by enemies, reports news agency Reuters. The report quotes TASS state news agency which said that the decision to block Telegram was made at the federal level, said Dagestan’s digital development minister, Yuri Gamzatov.

Dagestan and Chechnya, regions in southern Russia, have seen a rise in militant Islamist activity, according to intelligence services. Gamzatov referred to the October 2023 anti-Israel riot at Makhachkala airport in Dagestan, where protesters stormed the airport to target passengers from a flight arriving from Israel. No passengers were harmed, and several individuals have been prosecuted over the incident.

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