ChatGPT bug is stopping chatbot from taking this name; here’s what users have to say

Microsoft-backed artificial intelligence (AI) startup OpenAI’s popular chatbot ChatGPT is facing a strange bug. The AI language model is unable to say the name “David Mayer.” Users on Reddit discovered this peculiar issue, which prevents ChatGPT from generating any response when asked to say the name. Despite numerous attempts and creative prompts, users have been unable to make ChatGPT say the name “David Mayer.” Various tactics, including separating the words, using spaces, riddles, and even claiming the name as their own, have failed to fetch the desired response from the chatbot. Users added that the chat invariably ends abruptly before ChatGPT can utter the name. We at TimesofIndia-Gadgets Now also tried making ChatGPT say that name but that didn’t happen.

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