Projector vs TV: Which is better for your child’s eyesight? Complete comparison guide to help you make the right choice

When it comes to creating a comfortable viewing experience for your child, the choice between a projector and a TV can play a significant role in protecting their eyesight. As screen time continues to increase among children, concerns about eye strain, blue light exposure, and overall eye health have become more prominent. Both projectors and TVs offer unique benefits and drawbacks that can affect how your child’s eyes interact with the screen.

This guide aims to thoroughly compare the two, focusing on key factors such as brightness, screen size, viewing distance, and ambient lighting conditions. By understanding the differences, you can make an informed decision that best suits your child’s needs and helps minimise any potential risks to their vision. Whether you’re setting up a home theatre or choosing a daily entertainment option, this guide will help you choose the safest and most effective display.

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