Revenue growth to be quite significant for next 2 financial years: Saurabh Gupta, Dixon Technologies

“Clearly one of the partnerships that we have signed recently is with HKC, which is one of the largest globally displayed manufacturing company and we plan to get into the mobile displays initially, setting up a capacity of almost 20 million and in the second phase we will take it to almost 40-45 million,” says Saurabh Gupta, CFO, Dixon Technologies.

I want to talk about certain things which not everybody is actually paying attention to so which is a set of small acquisitions which you guys are actually doing but very strategic in nature, but you are actually landing up buying strategic assets cheap. The recent ones, the few smaller ones, because usually in terms of acquisitions, the larger acquisitions make bigger headlines, smaller acquisitions tend to go unnoticed. But some of the old-time watchers of your stock are taking notice how they can add strategic value in the next one to two years. Can you start by helping us understand how you are going about them?

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