Koo app shuts down: Read founder Aprameya Radhakrishna’s full ‘final goodbye’ LinkedIn post

Koo, an Indian social media app once seen as a rival to X (formerly Twitter), is shutting down, founder Aprameya Radhakrishna announced in a LinkedIn post. Reports claimed that the decision was taken after unsuccessful negotiations for a potential sale or merger with several companies, including DailyHunt.

“Here’s the final update from our end. Our partnership talks fell through and we will be discontinuing our service to the public. We explored partnerships with multiple larger internet companies, conglomerates and media houses but these talks didn’t yield the outcome we wanted. Most of them didn’t want to deal with user generated content and the wild nature of a social media company. A couple of them changed priority almost close to signing. While we would’ve liked to keep the app running, the cost of technology services to keep a social media app running is high and we’ve had to take this tough decision.

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