Opinion: India’s AI journey should follow a path of open innovation guided by strong governance

In today’s digital era, regardless of whether you are a consumer, a business leader, or a technologist, each of us have a vested interest in the future of artificial intelligence (AI). As this technology grows powerful and permeates through our lives, it’s important that AI’s evolution is guided by a set of principles that protects our interests – principles like transparency, community, and responsible governance.

Whether or not AI serves us in a positive way depends entirely on the people who hold the reins of its development and deployment. To grow AI responsibly, cultivating its benefits while mitigating its risks, I believe that its future must be open. An open AI ecosystem is one that recognises the value of community-built technology and the free exchange of information, ideas, and skills. Open communities accelerate innovation by empowering members to unlock shared insights and build on a vast body of prior work to harness collective talents, not just those of a single entity.

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