At Rs 66.25 crore, Infosys’ Salil Parekh is second-highest paid IT CEO
Salil Parekh, chief executive officer and managing director of Infosys, has emerged as the Indian IT sector’s second-highest paid CEO with an annual compensation of Rs 66.25 crore during FY24, the company’s latest annual report revealed.
The highest paid CEO during the last financial year was Wipro’s former chief Thierry Delaporte, who earned $20 million (about Rs 166 crore).
Delaporte’s successor Srinivas Pallia will receive remuneration of about Rs 50 crore in FY25. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) CEO and managing director K Krithivasan drew Rs 25.36 crore in annual compensation during FY24, the lowest among the large IT companies.