Ericsson, Telenor ink pact to develop AI/ML solutions for improving energy efficiency of networks

Swedish telecom gear maker Ericsson has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Telenor to explore, test, and develop artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML)-driven solutions geared towards improving the energy efficiency of mobile networks.

Ericsson noted in a statement that mobile networks are becoming increasingly programmable, while AI and ML software are enabling more powerful decision-support and touch-free operations in customer-facing network domains. At the same time, energy efficiency will be the “fundamental expectation” for telecom operators, as there will be development and deployment of secure and robust AI systems.

Ericsson said the pact focuses on two major areas – energy management and network optimization and implementation of safe and trustworthy AI.

Ericsson and Telenor will jointly work to optimize energy consumption and enhance network performance, particularly in the radio access network. Their collaboration on safe and trustworthy AI is centered on the “development of explainable AI systems to ensure transparency and reliability in network operations”.

The collaboration is expected to result in testing and deployment of AI/ML systems in live test networks in cooperation with early adopters and Telenor customers, validation of AI-driven 5G use cases and business models, among others, according to the statement.

Ieva Martinkenaite, Senior Vice President & Head of Telenor Research & Innovation, said, “We expect this collaboration to break new ground when it comes to leveraging AI and automation to help address the complexity of 5G networks, drive energy efficiencies, improve customer experience – and make Telenor an AI-first company.”

Rita Mokbel, Head of Global Customer Unit Telenor at Ericsson, said, “Together with Telenor, we want to build new knowledge in the area of AI/ML to improve network operations and energy efficiency management for both parties.”

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