Gen AI generates 13% of software codes in India

Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) currently generates 13% of code and saves 16% of time for Indian coders. This is in contrast to 12% of codes being generated by Gen AI and saving 15% of coders’ time globally, said a research report from Capgemini.

The report, titled “The art of software: The new route to value creation across industries”, also made projections that 22% code generation will happen in India (vs 19% globally) using Gen AI in the next 12 months. The time that will be saved will be 27% in India and 26% globally in the next 12 months.

The report said that Gen AI will assist in writing 1 of every 5 lines of code in the next 12 months. Today, Generative AI already assists in writing nearly 1 in 8 lines of code.
While pointing out that seven in 10 organizations will be using Gen AI for software engineering in the next 12 months, the report added, “Increasingly, software engineers are using Generative AI throughout the software development lifecycle, from business-needs analysis and writing agile user stories, to assistance in writing software code, optimization, completion, testing and debugging and monitoring.”
The research shows that today, 30% of organizations are experimenting with Generative AI for software engineering. An additional 42% plan to use it in the next 12 months – which showcases that only 28% of organizations will not be using Generative AI for software engineering in the next 12 months.

Generative AI has the potential to greatly enhance the productivity of software engineers. Large language models (LLMs) are uniquely placed to complement software engineering. “Our recent research highlights that 67% of executives see Generative AI bringing the most value to IT as an enabler for driving innovation across functions.”

Generative AI, however, cannot replace software developers – it can only complement their task and functions. It still needs to be supervised and tested. Various protected, regulated and critical systems, like those in medical devices, aerospace and defense, and automotive, would require strong oversight and policy on the use of Generative AI in their code, added the report.

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