CERT-In warns users of AI-powered FraudGPT: Stay safe from cyber fraud

CERT-In, the internet security agency, has issued a warning against FraudGPT, an AI-powered Chatbot that poses a significant risk in the realm of cybersecurity. This cutting-edge tool is being exploited by fraudsters to craft fraudulent content for cyber fraud and criminal activities.

The Deceptive Capabilities of FraudGPT

FraudGPT has the ability to produce highly authentic-looking phishing emails, text messages, and websites. This makes it difficult for users to discern genuine communications from fraudulent ones, leading to the inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information such as login credentials, financial details, or personal data.

Furthermore, the AI-powered chatbot can generate deceptive messages to lure users into clicking on malicious links or downloading infected attachments, exposing them to malware infections. FraudGPT can even simulate human-like conversations, allowing hackers to engage with users and extract sensitive information or carry out harmful actions. Additionally, the tool can be employed to forge documents, invoices, and payment requests, facilitating financial scams.

How to protect yourself with CERT-In’s tips?

To safeguard against the dangers of FraudGPT and other cyber threats, CERT-In recommends the following precautionary measures:

Be cautious with unknown links and attachments: The most common form of cyber scams and attacks are propagated through deceptive links and attachments. Avoid clicking on random links and downloading attachments from unsolicited emails or messages.

Verify the authenticity of communications: Always verify the legitimacy of calls, emails, and messages, especially if they request sensitive information or financial transactions. Reach out to the organization directly through official channels to authenticate such requests.

Regularly update security software: To fortify your defenses against potential threats, ensure that your security software is up-to-date. Regularly install patches and utilize genuine antivirus programs to bolster your protection.

Keep your devices updated: It is essential to keep your devices, including smartphones, updated with the latest software releases. These updates not only provide critical security fixes but also enhance overall device security.

By adopting these precautionary measures, internet users can significantly reduce their vulnerability to cyber fraud and stay safe in an increasingly connected digital landscape. Remaining vigilant and proactive in safeguarding personal information is vital to mitigating the risks posed by AI-driven cyber threats like FraudGPT.

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