5G ‘poles’ can be put up on government properties

For a 5G network, service providers will be able to install the overground 5G ‘poles’ on government and private immovable properties. The ‘small cells’ will be allowed to be installed on poles used for electricity, street light, traffic light, traffic sign, bus stop, tram stop, taxi stand, public lavatory, memorial and utility pole.

The UT administration has finalised the ‘Chandigarh Right of Way Policy for Telecom Infrastructure (Amendment), 2022’ for facilitating speedy installation and running of the 5G network in the city.

“The Working Committee (headed by Home Secretary) and then the State Broadband Committee (SBC – headed by the UT adviser) has approved the policy and it will be notified after the approval of the UT administrator,” said an official.

The charges will be imposed on the service provider for installing poles and cells on the government infrastructure (see box). Service providers will have to seek permission from appropriate authority, and submit requisite documents like structural safety, no-objection certificates and fee. If permission is rejected, the authority will have to record reasons in writing.

Where the licensee proposes the establishment of poles and/or small cell at private property, the licensee shall not require any permission from the appropriate authority, however the licensee shall submit an intimation, in writing, to the appropriate authority, prior to commencement of such establishment.

The appropriate authority will have to give approval within stipulated time. A single window system has been created for companies to get all the requisite approval at one place. Only online submission of applications will be allowed on a dedicated portal, created by the National Informatics Centre, Chandigarh. The policy intends to promote installation of In Build Solution (IBS), where there is a poor connectivity in terms of weak signal strength inside the office, shopping mall, hospitals, multistory building, education institutions and objective is to strengthen quality of service of mobile network.

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