Hybrid cloud critical to modernization but security and compliance concerns remain: IBM Report

While 85% of respondents in India have adopted a hybrid cloud approach that can help drive digital transformation, the majority of them are struggling with the complexity to make all their cloud environments work together, according to a new market research from IBM.

As organizations face skills gaps, security challenges, and compliance obstacles, only 30% of Indian respondents manage their hybrid cloud environments holistically – which can create blind spots and put data at risk.

The IBM Transformation Index: State of Cloud commissioned by IBM and conducted by independent research firm, The Harris Poll, was created to help organizations map their cloud transformation and empower them to self-classify their progress. The Index consisted of more than 3,000 business and technology decision makers from 12 countries including India, and across 15 industries including financial services, manufacturing, government, telecommunications, and healthcare.

The Index points to a strong correlation between hybrid cloud adoption and progress in digital transformation. In fact, 76% of those surveyed think it’s difficult to realize the full potential of a digital transformation without having a solid hybrid cloud strategy in place. At the same time, only 39% of Indian respondents said that they have proven the benefits of cloud and are now focused on using it more fully.

“As we see regulatory requirements grow across the globe, compliance is top of mind for business leaders. This concern is even greater for those in highly regulated industries. Yet at the same time, they are facing a growing threat landscape – one that demands holistic management of their multi-cloud environments to avoid the risks of a Frankencloud – an environment that’s so disconnected, it’s difficult to navigate and can be nearly impossible to secure, particularly against third- and fourth-party risks,” said Howard Boville, head of IBM Cloud Platform.

“An integration strategy to bring together these different piece parts is what we believe separates the leaders from the rest of the pack – the alternative is to pay the price of the Frankencloud,” added Boville.

In the Indian context, organizations must quickly take stock of where they are on their cloud journey and focus on bridging the gaps related to skills, security, compliance, among others, said Viswanath Ramaswamy, vice president, Technology, IBM Technology Sales, IBM India/ South Asia. “A pragmatic holistic approach to hybrid cloud can drive immense business value by accelerating innovation, improving cost efficiency and increasing productivity.”

Although the research cited the lack of cloud skills as a major challenge, 81% of the Indian respondents said they are creating new positions and teams to fulfil the need for more cloud skills.

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