Gujarat gears up to be first state to deploy 5G technology for governance

Even as telecom giants received 5G spectrum licences and 5G services are in the testing phase in Gujarat and other states, the state government is gearing up for use of 5G connectivity in governance.

“At the committee of secretaries (COS) meeting held last week, chief secretary Pankaj Kumar directed all secretaries, especially those handling the urban development, panchayat and rural housing departments, to get ready to adopt 5G network services with an aim to make Gujarat the first state in the country to adopt it formally for governance and government work,” sources said.

The chief secretary asked the urban development department and the panchayats department to map all locations in cities, towns and villages where the state government will offer private players locations to install 5G network infrastructure.

“The state government has planned to offer locations for 5G installations on road sides in cities, as also on government buildings and other buildings in urban areas. In rural areas, panchayat buildings will be offered for setting up of 5G infrastructure along with other locations,” sources added. The state government is also considering a likely policy under which the government will offer land on lease or sale to 5G service providers.

The government is expected to offer concessional rate policy to 5G technology companies in a bid to promote spread of 5G network in the state. The government may offer use of 5G technology in educational institutions also, claimed sources.

The state government has also reportedly asked all its departments to prepare an action plan for adopting the technology in day-to-day governance. In the coming days, all departments will have to report to the chief secretary with their plans to adopt 5G technology.

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